Strong Start
Skabitha Nightshade and her key. Something comes through the mists…
Kruthiks come out of the plane of Valachan and burrow through the walls. On the other side is Chakunta in a half-tiger form with three heads of noble lords hanging from her belt. She has a bone javelin she throws a javelin.
- The incursion of Valachan
- Dealing with Skabbitha
- Escaping Thither on Little Oak
- Walking across ****Richemulot to get to Yon.
- Deserted farmsteads marked with the signs of plague.
- Swarms of rats atop a great dead beast.
- Animated armors filled with rat swarms.
- Jolly music being played from high towers in walled cities.
- Arrival in Yon
Secret and Clues
- [ ] The incursions are closest in Yon where the canyons beneath the mountains lead down to the Domains of Dread. Creatures fall down there and never come back.
- [ ] Skabitha Nightshade wants nothing better than to wreck her sister’s show. She’d give anything to see it fall.
- [ ] Valachan is a land of dense rain forests, sandy shores, and forest-covered mountains. This wilderness is fantastically dangerous, but the people who dwell here have long flourished.
- [ ] Valachan hosts the Trial of Hearts, a battle royale conducted during certain full moons by the land’s greatest hunter, Chakuna.
- [ ] Any wild plant or creature in the jungles of Valachan might turn hostile toward explorers.
- [ ] Packs of displacer beasts roam the jungle.
- [ ] Carved into the realm’s tallest pinnacle is Motherhorn, Endelyn’s theater.