- [x] Review the characters
Strong Start
Battle against the two dwarven constructs. Trollkin watching and placing bets on the winners. Definitely not getting involved.
- Fighting the constructs at the tomb of Volund.
- Opening the vault of Thor
- Journey to the Cackling Chasms
Secret and Clues
- [x] The dwarves built numerous tombs and vaults in these lower chambers and protected them with traps, puzzles, and constructs.
- [ ] The strange twisting of the Wyrdweaver has been going on for hundreds of years but is getting worse exponentially. The longer the characters wait, the worse it could get.
- [ ] The twisting of the Weirdweaver and the leylines of the area have torn open rifts to other lands and other worlds. That’s how the dust goblins got here and that’s what opened the portals in the pools to the east.
- [ ] The trollkin fear the creatures in the tunnels to the east. Their own scouting parties never returned.
- [ ] Most of the scouting parties were killed and eaten by the Clacker Beetles. Some, however mutated into ‣ and wander still.
- [ ] A design is carved into it showing a family crest above three crossed weapons of dwarven make. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check recognizes the symbol as the crest of the Holzanger family. Any dwarf knows the weapon carvings indicate this is the tomb of heroic warriors.
- [ ] Thor’s hammer is part of a set that includes Thor’s gauntlets. Járngreipr. Those seem to be missing from Thor’s vault.
- [ ] Factions of Derro war with one another in the lower levels.
- [ ] Some of the creatures tied to the third Icosahedron are as old as the citadel itself.
- [ ] Clara – Former Imortra the Debased – Former Disciple of Gellart travels among levels of the Scarlet Citadel serving Gellert the Gruesome – Heir to the Scarlet Citadel’s needs and liaisoning with the inhabitants of these other levels.