
Strong Start

War in Avernus. The characters hear the end of a huge battle between demons and devils. A few miles away. A chained devil riding a wyvern comes down to interrogate the prisoners. A few miles away the characters come upon the remains of a war between demons and devils. Huge black spires of sharp stone pierce out of the ground and cracks in the ground leak lava. Atop the mountain of bodies an armored bone devil fights with a glabrezu. The characters can stear the outome or on odds the demon wins and evens the bone devil wins. Upon the devil are three soul coins.

As the characters move on, Chukka and Clonk arrive to look for salvage. They both ride hellscooters and have big white helmets that are actually ogre skulls. They say they can introduce the characters to Mad Maggie for a price.


Secret and Clues