- [ ] Review the characters
Strong Start
Two level 4 Felbises enter Takryn’s chamber. They are an extension of the Dissector and must be destroyed.
- Felibs
- Get the Skull of Takryn
- Fight the dissector
- Get into the nanoforge and get the cure for Kimly
- Find Takryn’s vertice
- Plea from Scarlet Watch
Secret and Clues
- [ ] The Fourth Empire created the Hex as a more efficient way of controlling “sentients”. It was essentially the mind manipulation nanos but it could spread. That turned out to be a mistake.
- [ ] The Hex is the only thing the Fourth Emperor fears.
- [x] The nanotech of the Fourth Empire is too complicated to Datacast through the Datasphere. It gets destroyed. Thus, nanites must be carried by hand in the Real.
- [x] Oorgolian soldiers are the footsoldiers of the Fourth Emperor. They carry out its will with force.
- [ ] The Oorgolians and their leader tells the people of Scarlet Watch to prepare. Those with connections to nanites may become Walkers of Beyond. The rest will serve the Empire as labor or food. The Oorgolians are coming in four days.
- [ ] The Vow, also known as the Sixth Archivist, resides in the Tomb of the Sixth Archivist and has the last remaining piece of the Hex.
- [x] The growth of the Fourth Empire is exponential. There’s no good way to stop it with linear responses. Instead, the only way to defeat it is with an exponential response. There’s only one place that the characters can commit this level of response - The Datasphere.