Long ago, a fissure in the caverns below Bittermold Keep bubbled and grew, spewing forth a pool of muttering madness. This primordial ooze, Mugdulblub, drove the Bittermold family who lived in the keep to insanity. Now, the ooze's petitioners zealously feed and protect it, warring with each other for their patron's favor.

Dissolving. The ruined keep is slowly collapsing into mush from Mugdulblub's liquefying presence. The stones feel spongy and have a dripping, melted-wax appearance. The crenels fold and sag, and loose rubble has stewed down into pools of globby mortar. Entrances and Exits. The keep itself is a gaping shell upon a hill, but a rusty trapdoor in its floor leads to Area 1. A cold river trickles out of the hill's south face; its cramped, muddy tunnel leads up into Area 23 (3:6 chance of 1d4 mutant catfish in the river).