The Glorious Dead

  1. Thalos Killed by ooze folk under the town, became a cheerful zombie – Dwarven Priest Healer. Young for a dwarf. Naive. Acolyte of Saint Terragnis. Things are bad, get out into the field. Part of a traveling group but they all died because of him. Aimless. Not experienced in the top world.
  2. “Bugjuice” Buckminster Bohannan - Dragged through a fire trap while trying to be rescued – Dwarf wizard adept, Wolf child, smartest dwarf to ever walk the realms. Touch cowardly. Scraggly beard. Young. Combover.
  3. Finil – died in an acidic sandpit. Elf Wizard (apprentice and amnesiac) whose memories were stolen by @Drusilla – Witch of the Gloaming.
  4. Daisy – Lost the will to live in the depths of Bittermold Keep. weep
  5. Ari – Killed by a Gelatinous Cube
  6. Varo – Killed by Riarden Varoslayer the forest dragon after talking smack “Was just singing!”. Half orc fighter jeweler. Held the door. Curse of Mugdulblub.
  7. Gim – Petrified and turned into a gray ooze by a trap. Former member of the Knight of St. Ydris. Short & Stocky dwarf. Carries a bastard sword twice his height. Fell away from the Knights after they started burning people.
  8. Likmak – Torn apart by Marrow wolves in the Shrine of Shune – He/Him Goblin Wizard. Who seeks the cure to Mugdulblub’s curse for his villagers.
  9. Yakspik – Torn apart by Marrow wolves in the Shrine of Shune – Greenish goblin fighter wandering around the yard. Wants something chewy to eat.
  10. Vom – Thrown into a 150 foot gorge into boiling mud after being punched in the face by a mummy. Halfling black leather armor who runs up with the heroic spark. Carries Prophecy, the magic sword.
  11. Cirwin - Peacefully departed after being life-drained by a mummy. Elf Priest seeker. Outcast came to the gloaming looking for a new community. Priest of Getti elf god. Average. A little rough. Between sources of bathing.
  12. Skull – Curb stomped by different a mummy of Kytheros – "At least I died in this bitchin' armor". orc Knight of St. Ydrith.