

Ancient temple to Shune the Vile.


Starting at 1 oclock and going counterclockwise.

  1. Ruined pillars.
  2. Sealed tomb – 1d4 + 1 skeletons clawing at the inside of the door. “Don’t dead! Open inside!”
  3. Rickty walkway and overhangs – 2d6 beastmen pummeling a giant centipede.
  4. Temple doors – Two hands on hourglasses.
  5. Trapped hallway of Kytheros
  6. Clockwork guardians
  7. Altar of Kytheros – And a suit of gold and silver +1 plate mail with clockwork gears and black flames. Forged by Shune for Kytheros.
  8. Crypts of the Old Ones – Specters of the priests and priestesses of Kytheros.
  9. Explorer’s Nook. Goblin killed by their own trap. Two healing potions and 4-6 treasure.

Lost Temple of Shune the Vile

  1. The Fire-trapped door of Shune the Vile (DC 18) Barbed net does 1d10 slashing and knocks unconscious and then 2d10 fire damage each round. Find a burned troll hand severed in many places. The door shows Shune the Vile holding a big spider and a candle in her hands. The spider’s eyes move when you’re looking at them. And the fire of the candle is burning.
  2. Shattered doorway with a statue of Shune the Vile holding a dagger dripping with troll blood. Barborog fell unconscious here but then came back and continued to head north west.
  3. Fetid caves – old cut done with Moragin’s dagger and some oozes.
  4. Altar of Shune and Kytheros
  5. Treasury of the Temple of Shune the Vile protected with another trapped door. Light beam causes a pit trap to open into an acid pit that inflicts 1d6 acid damage per round and paralyzes those falling inside, DC 12 Con.