
  1. Dulwich Keep: Seat of the Gall family, lord of Dulwich. The town guard are based here and the dungeons below the keep house lawbreakers and those who fall foul of Dulwich.
  2. Pelor’s Light: The lofty spire of this elaborate cathedral dominates Dulwich’s skyline.
  3. Lumberyard and Guild Hall
  4. The Dancing Bear: Popular drinking establishment for adventurers and off-duty guardsmen.
  5. Nalthra’s Jewellery: Nalthra is the most renowned jeweller in Dulwich.
  6. The East Gate: This sprawling inn is popular with Dulwich’s wealthy and well-to-do.
  7. The Golden Skull: Dingy, forgettable watering hole.
  8. Eronen’s Safe Travels: Well stocked general store.
  9. Saini Alanen’s House: Home to Dulwich’s most renowned sage, the ground floor of this building also serves as a public library.
  10. Cemetery and Catacombs: The town graveyard.
  11. Dulwich Marketplace: This bustling daily market hosts numerous stalls and booths.
  12. Dulwich Poorhouse: Here dwell those who have nowhere else to go.
  13. Vilimzair's Arms: Named for the near-mythical bard and legendary pirate captain Vilimzair Aralivar, this tavern is popular with visitors to Dulwich and locals. Here can be found cheap, plentiful drink and joyful entertainment.
  14. The Crooked House: A family home and general shop.
  15. Badger's: Watched over by loyal mercenaries, this crenelated manor House is a bank, moneychangers and private home.
  16. The Three Bells: Popular with pilgrims visiting Pelor’s Hall.