Warlord of Avernus


Feonor is a willowy, neutral evil archmage with milky-white eyes and a parasol made of bones and human flesh. Her rivals know her as a powerful necromancer. They suspect that she fled the Material Plane to escape some horrible fate, but the truth is she was invited to Avernus by Mahadi, the rakshasa master of the Wandering Emporium (see "The Wandering Emporium"). During a visit to Feonor’s world, Mahadi fell head-over-heels in love with her zombie-like indifference. Not long after arriving in Avernus, Feonor grew bored of Mahadi’s attempts to impress her. Without so much as a farewell, she took to the Avernian wastes on one of the rakshasa’s infernal war machines and never looked back. Years later, Mahadi still refers to her as “the one the got away.”

The scowl on Feonor’s face hints at her constant annoyance with the multiverse around her. She prefers not to speak, and when she does, it’s typically only in whispers, her short sentences interspersed and punctuated with frustrated sighs.

Golden Doom

Feonor rides around in a Demon Grinder called Golden Doom, so named because Mahadi fitted it with gilded death armor (see "Gilded Death Armor"). The vehicle is driven by a ghast, and its other stations are operated by ghouls. She also commands a force of ten crawling claws. A pair of Tormentors crewed by mezzoloths provide escort.