
  1. Pelor: Domains include Sun, Light, Healing, and Strength. His symbol is a sun face. Pelor is depicted as a caring and kind deity, who opposes evil and is a patron to healers and those in need.
  2. Ehlonna: Associated with Woodlands and Forests. Her symbol is a rearing unicorn. Ehlonna is often depicted as a young woman with antlers and is the goddess of the woodlands and those who dwell there.
  3. Boccob: Holds sway over Magic, Knowledge, and Foresight. His symbol is an eye within a pentagram. Boccob is depicted as an older man with a staff and is known as the Uncaring. He is the patron of magic and balances the forces.
  4. Kord: Represents Athletics, Sports, Brawling, and Strength. His symbol is a star of swords and maces. Kord is depicted as a hugely muscular man and is the god of strength and athleticism. He is seen as a patron to athletes and warriors.
  5. Nerull: Governs Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld. His symbol is a skull-and-scythe. Nerull, known as the Reaper, is depicted as a sinister figure who delights in suffering and is feared by all as the patron of death.
  6. Erythnul: Associated with Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, and Slaughter. His symbol is a blood drop. Erythnul is known as the Many, and is a chaotic, malicious god who revels in the terror and suffering of combat.
  7. Olidammara: Associated with Rogues, Music, and Revels. His symbol is a laughing mask. Olidammara is a jovial and tricky god, often depicted as a lithe man playing a lute, and he is the patron of thieves and entertainers.
  8. Fharlanghn: Holds sway over Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads. His symbol is a disc with a curved line representing the horizon. Fharlanghn is portrayed as a bearded wanderer with a staff, and he guides and protects travelers on their journeys.
  9. Wee Jas: Governs Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law. Her symbol is a red skull in front of a fireball. Wee Jas is depicted as a beautiful woman in a skull motif, often known as the Witch Goddess, and she is the patron of magic, death, and law.
  10. Obad-Hai: Represents Nature, Woodlands, Hunting, and Beasts. His symbol is an oak leaf and acorn. Obad-Hai is depicted as a rugged, bearded man, and as the god of nature, he is a guardian of the wild and patron of druids.
  11. Ehlonna of the Forests: Related to Woodlands, Forests, Flora, and Fauna. Her symbol is a rampant unicorn. Ehlonna is often depicted as a young woman with antlers, and she is the goddess of the woodlands and those who dwell there.
  12. Hextor: Governs War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, and Tyranny. His symbol is six arms, each wielding a different weapon. Hextor is portrayed as a menacing, six-armed warrior, and he promotes war and conflict as a way of life.
  13. Heironeous: Associated with Chivalry, Valor, Justice, and Honor. His symbol is a lightning bolt. Heironeous is depicted as a powerful, knightly figure, and is the patron of paladins and just warriors.
  14. Istus: Holds sway over Fate, Destiny, Divination, and the Future. Her symbol is a spinning golden spindle. Istus is often depicted as a crone and is the goddess of fate and destiny, believed to weave the fabric of the future.
  15. Kurell: Governs Jealousy, Revenge, and Theft. His symbol is a grasping hand. Kurell is depicted as a rogue-like figure and is the god of jealousy, revenge, and thievery.
  16. Ralishaz: Represents Chance, Ill Luck, and Misfortune. His symbol is three bone casting sticks. Ralishaz is a fickle and unpredictable god, who can bring good luck or misfortune on a whim.
  17. Pelor: Holds sway over Sun, Light, Healing, and Strength. His symbol is a sun face. Pelor is depicted as a caring and kind deity, who opposes evil and is a patron to healers and those in need.
  18. Saint Cuthbert: Associated with Common Sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Honesty, Truth, and Discipline. His symbol is a starburst pattern or a crumpled hat. Saint Cuthbert is depicted as a stern figure wielding a cudgel, and he is a god of common sense and wisdom, often a patron to those who fight for law and good.
  19. Iuz: Governs Pain, Deceit, Oppression, and Evil. His symbol is a grinning human skull. Iuz is a demonic figure, depicted as a gaunt, old man or a bloated, red-skinned demonic creature. He is feared as a god of pain and deceit.