Trickster cleric half orc.

Sipping a nice dark wine. Obviously half-orc light skinned, not so prominent. Wearing fine clothing but has seen better days. Been here for a couple of years. Came in leading a trade caravan. Known merchant of the Sword Coast. Grandiose style. Assumes you know who he is. Has a room at the inn. Trapped here since the passes have closed. Looking for a way back home.

What sort of goods does he sell.

Rival of Torg's Mercantile Caravn.


You are the secret heir for royalty in hiding. Secret Graycastle.

Magic Item

Amulet of the Devout possessed by Janth Alowar.

Stars and Wishes


A pair of scrimshaw cufflinks with an image of a fisherman on a boat engraved on them

Magic Item Wish List

I’d love to try out some of the new items from Tasha’s.

Tattoo: absorbing (cold), barrier (very rare) — 18 doesn’t give me a bump to AC, but it would let me lose this very expensive tho fashionable armor and shield, or lifewell

Amulet of the Devout