
30 bandits camp here led by Greaves Redthorne, an outcast Knight of St. Ydris. Greaves, a cunning liar, serves the marrow fiend Unduluk, who is only a few moons away from erupting from the marrow tree at the center of camp. Unduluk needs protection from the Knights of St. Ydris (1406) for now, and human flesh after its apotheosis. The bandits do not realize they serve as both.

Roots of the Marrow Tree


Roots of the Marrow Tree

  1. Apprehensive bandits
  2. Marrowfolk bandits
  3. Marrow wolves
  4. Knight + marrowfolk
  5. Faerie relic hunters
  6. Marrowfolk bandits + faerie prisoners


Former elven stronghold for followers of Titanya.