DRAGON, OOZE The smell of wet loam follows this dragon. Its jade scales bristle with barbed thorns. AC 16, HP 58, ATK 3 rend +8 (2d8) or 1 poison breath, MV double near (fly), S +4, D +3, C +4, I +3, W +3, Ch +4, AL N, LV 12 Animate Plants. 1/day, in place of attacks. Vines grab at all enemies within double near of dragon. DC 15 DEX or unable to move 1d4 rounds. Acid Breath. Fills a near-sized cube extending from dragon. DC 15 CON or 3d8 damage.

When it reaches half its hit points, it splits into two ooze dragons with two attacks each and a 2d6 breath weapon.