Deep in the forest, a steep-sided natural amphitheatre plunges downwards several hundred feet. A rugged outcropping of jagged rock at the bowl’s lowest point has given rise to numerous rumours of demon worship and foul sacrifices.

A nameless hamlet of shacks and rude cabins straggles through the bowl. Its people are displaced, hapless folk. Here they dwell far from Lord Wido Gall’s easy grasp, trusting to the dark legends of the place to keep Gall’s soldiery and roving bandits away. Along with the outlaws and dispossessed a small band of lepers also dwell here in a small network of dry caves far away from the other bowl’s other folk.

The bowl’s folk are foresters, hunters and—occasionally— thieves of opportunity surviving however they can. The community numbers roughly 100 souls, 18 of which suffer with leprosy. Some have nowhere else to go while others dwell here because they like the peace, seclusion and freedom. Most of the bowl’s inhabitants know the surrounds well, and could serve as local guides. Money has little use for these folk; rather most prefer payment in useful tools, luxuries such as wine and other finished goods

Notable Folk


A character making a DC 10 Intelligence check knows one or more pieces of information about the Demon’s Bowl. A successful check gains all the information revealed by a lesser check.