1. Relief. The projection of an image in which the stonework around the image is carved back, leaving the image protruding forward. Includes low (bas), high, and sunken.
  2. Frieze. A long horizontal stretch of painted or sculpted decoration at the upper edge of a wall, room, or object like a sarcophagus.
  3. Mural. A piece of graphic artwork painted directly on a wall or ceiling.
  4. Tapestries. Fabric decorations hung on walls, often used to conceal and dampen drafts.
  5. Fresco. A vivid painting applied directly to freshly laid plaster.
  6. Mosaic. A pattern or image created from inlaying small pieces of stone, glass, or ceramic.
  7. Caryatid or Telemon. Female or male carvings used as pillars or columns in architecture.
  8. Runic carvings. Writing of language or ideographs carved into rock slabs or tombstones.
  9. Encaustic painting. Using heated wax to apply pigments to a surface, often wood or canvas.
  10. Gilded Engravings. Applying a thin coating of gold over another surface, sometimes inlaid within a carving.
  11. Marouflage. Applying a painted canvas to a wall with an adhesive such as plaster or cement.
  12. Sgraffito. Scratching through the surface of one pigment to reveal the pigment underneath.