
NPC Description: High Priest of the Black Harbinger

The High Priest of the Black Harbinger is a tall, imposing figure with dark features. His eyes are a deep black that seem to bore into your soul. He wears long black robes adorned with silver skulls, and carries a staff made from a blackened bone. He speaks in a low, rumbling voice that sends shivers down your spine. It is said that he has the power to raise the dead and command the demons of the underworld. Those who cross him do so at their own peril.

Zalthor's background and origins are shrouded in mystery. Some say that he was born into a family of powerful necromancers, while others believe that he was a simple farmer who stumbled upon ancient dark magic. Regardless of his origins, it is clear that Zalthor's obsession with the Black Harbinger consumed him and transformed him into the High Priest we know today. It is said that he spends much of his time communing with the dark powers that be, and that he has made deals with demons to further his own power and influence. However, these are mere rumors and little is known for certain about the origins of Zalthor Darkthrone.