

Last Time…

The characters delved through the sewers of Dulwich discovering a two-headed horrifying crocodile with a strange glyph on its head and an effigy of a hooded long-limbed figure known as the Dead Night. The characters continued their search finding a doorway with scraping sounds on the other side and eventually a pit with violet fungi entrancing their quarry, Redwald Graywhisker, one of the two missing brothers of Morgant Graywhisker. They returned Redwald to Morgant and discovered that all three borthers are wererats – supposedly cursed (what’s the curse???).

The characters now intend to travel to The Demon’s Bowl.

Strong Start

The characters receive a note passed from hand to hand among a bunch of street urchins. The note says “You face more than one enemy without, within, and below Dulwich. Minions of the Eater of Worlds and the Black Harbinger both seek to sunder this land to serve their dark gods. Watch their signs.” A symbol of a black horned skull with oil leaking from its eyes. A twisted trident of interwoven tines piercing through an eye.

Old Lausus Graywhisker comes to the characters.


Secret and Clues